Ok, so I know you are thinking to yourself, "Is Jessie really saying that France is dumb, when she obviously loves it soo much that she wanted to move there and babysit children after her dad paid several thousand dollars for her college education?" (I included that for you Dad) In fact, France does have some minor problems, and I speak the truth when I say France can be dumb. France, although very awesome (I will write of this awesomeness some other time), is also very stupid about some things.
1. If you have a passport for something, you should not need a birth certificate also (the birth certificate was necessary to get the passport in the first place).
2. When your dog poops, pick it up. Do NOT leave piles of poop on the sidewalks lying in await for my beautiful shoe to step on.
3. Playgrounds should NOT cost 4 euros. I paid 4 euros to go to a playground today with Raphy. 4 EUROS!
4. I went to the pharmacy yesterday to buy things for my cold. I bought medicine but I also asked for some sort of intensive moisturizer for my nose mouth area (you know how dry it gets)...I swear to someone holy, that they pharmacist gave me diaper cream to rub on my face...NOT COOL (Although it makes it better I look like I rubbed my face in clown make up)
5. You cannot watch American TV shows online because you are not in the US...that's dumb.
That's all my complaints so far I'll try and keep you up to date on any other reasons I find to be mad at France but helas it's hard.
PS Today I had the grocer propose to me...if Vince doesn't work out I always have him to fall back on
I guess for every bad thing I say I should say something nice about France.
1. I love how at the produce grocer you will ask for something and they will ask you when you are going to use it. When you say Sunday, they will look through all the fruit and pick the most perfect 3 pears for Sunday. So they will be perfectly ripe for Sunday. NEVER try and pick your own stuff.
2. Velib... this bike system is possibly the smartest thing in the whole entire world... and so good for the environment too. I am lucky because there is a stand right outside of my house :)
3. I love how Paris "flushes" the streets clean. Almost every day I see flowing water go down the side of the streets to keep everything clean, and a water man comes around with a big hose attached to a truck and rinses the dirt away.
4. Health Care. Since I am not paying taxes as an au pair, I get awesome benefits with none of the awful taxes. France really takes care of her people.
5. Any food you can think of. It's most likely 10x better in Paris. Bread, cheese, wine, fruit, veggies, even candy. Food here rocks.
That's all my thoughts for the night.
Jessie -- try this website: http://www.surfthechannel.com/ you should be able to find all the shows you miss there.
try youtube only thing that worked so far.
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