What can I say, when in Paris, go visit dead people's burial sites. Super cool, right? No. You'd think that seeing a tombstone would be thrilling, right? Well it's not. The only thing thrilling at the end of our adventure to Pere LaChaise was that we were going to get Mi Cuit Chocolate Cake.

For your own benefit, I will give you a photo tour of the graves we visited so you don't have to waste 3 hours of your life wandering around a big hill filled with bones (there are no direction although they were nice enough to number the "famous" graves, not that that really helps you much), it's really not that exciting and it's sorta creepy when you actually think about it.
I really don't understand the touristic draw. NOW if there was a trip that played laser tag or paint-ball in the cemetery I totally could get THAT! The only grave that was at most passably enjoyable was that of Oscar Wilde as at least his was interactive (you're supposed to kiss it) I don't know why, maybe he wanted to infect the world with herpes. But nonetheless, I kissed Oscar Wilde's tomb woo freaking hoo.

NOTE: Blogspot is being lame so I can't load the other 4 photos, that's right we spent 3 hours in a cemetary and only saw 4 famous gravesights. We saw tons of graves but really it doesn't impress me much. The best thing for me was that one grave said and I quote "fantasmagorie" I really don't know what it is BUT I know I want that word on wherever I am put when I die.

I am preparing Autumn for her big kiss with a big stone....

Finally Autumn decided to give Oscar a big KISS...

Edith Piaf's Grave which you can barely see do to all the flowers and people crowding around.

The Door's Frontman Jim Morrison's Grave...shoved between about 6 other tombs and you have to do yoga to even see all of it

That's what you can spend 2 hours looking for in Pere LaChaise...a big stone to kiss, some graves you can barely see either covered by flowers or hidden behind other graves,
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