Today I went to la Porte Ouverte for Raphy's classique dance class (Open House). It was ridiculously cute. Not only are little French kids the cutest dressed kids in the world but they are also little ballerinas in the making. They were accompanied by both a percussion player and a pianist which cracked me up. Who would have thought that nine 8 year old girls would get accompaniments for ballet. The whole time that I was there, two of the little ballerinas little sisters were there, trying to imitate their big sisters, it was possibly the cutest thing that ever happened.
Practicing graceful arms and confident eyes , as they say in French
I have decided that if and when I do have children, they should be adorable little french ballerinas. (Note: there
was one boy in the class and the instructor called him the chef (chief) of the class, being the chef makes it a bit more manly, I suppose) But if you are French, I don't necessarily think manhood is really an aspiration. You don't know how many men I have seen in jeans tighter than mine.
Raphy doing a "pose" for classique
Most of the class, the girls learn basics of ballet, combined with a bit of barroque. Unlike the regimen of ballet, Baroque style dancing basically let's the girls do whatever they want, specifically run in circles. So as I watched them react to different percussion instruments in the Baroque style I couldn't help but chuckle. All of the girls are very very into the dance, they not only listen well to the teacher but they don't really complain.
Dancing le serpentin (serpent) as per Madame's orders
The other funny part was after the girl's were done the Baroque response dance, the instructor made all of the audience members try it out.
So let's just say that for an hour today I ran around like a crazy person with no shoes on.
Cute little ballerinas (One's picking her butt)
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