As you all know, I recently started work as a English assistant in a French high school. I have to say it is one of the most amusing things I have done here. I really enjoy the kids and find them to be absolutely amusing. The school itself, has a rather contemporary design with the building settling around a sky-lighted atrium with several trees and plants. Personally I think it's a nice area and the kids are nice, but it is supposedly one of tougher areas of France. Here are some pictures from the school that I stealthfully took between classes, as to not come off as a weirdo to all the students.
The kids I teach range in age from 15 - 20, and they are pretty respectful and motivated to learn English. Funnily they all call me Madame or the english equivalent of which is Mrs. I've tried to explain that I am not married and therefore am not a Mrs., but that generally ends in marriage proposals or offers to buy me a drink after school, so I have just accepted that in France I will have to be a Mrs.
Below are some lovely picture of Salle 222 where you can find me from 8:30 to 12:30 every Monday, Tuesday and Friday.
As my classes rotate every week, I won't see the same faces until the third week of class, so right now I am doing ice breakers where everyone tells me a bit about themselves and what they like to do. Some highlights from these conversations include:
- Me: What is your favorite thing to do? French boy: Smoke weed. You know, ze pot, ze marieee-juan-a.
- Me: Where would you go to in the U.S.A if you could go anywhere? French boy: I would go to ze Me-am-e for ze bitches. Me: That is not a very appropriate word. French boy: Non, Non madame. Ze bitches, the girls in ze bikinis, you know, ze bitches. I want to go to ze bitches. Me: OH! You mean the beaches!
- Madame, do you have a boyfriend? Yes. OK, would you go on a date with me?
- How old are you Madame? 23. Oh well, I'm 23 too, want to grab a drink?
After this, I have everyone partner up and describe how their partner looks in English. Usually the kids will ask me what the equivalent of a French word is, and I will tell them. After about 10 minutes they have to stand up front and present the partner to the class.
During one of these presentations, this French boy looks over at me and asks, "Madame, what is French for ugly" and I say "Moche", he then looks back at his partner and says "Well, then, he is ugly", which made me smile for the rest of the day.
To finish up the introductory lesson, I do a little trivia on America and then ask them who they think is the most famous American. Sadly my one class said possibly the worst American. I do not want her to be known as the American the whole world thinks of, but apparently in France, she is the most well known. Before you scroll down, think of the worst possible example of an American and see if you can even guess. I was completely blown away when I heard this.
Paris Hilton.
I am seriously saddened by this. My heart actually broke a bit when I heard it. I mean if it was George W. at least I would understand that he's a politician and governs a lot of the world's policies, but Paris. I mean, Come on, Frenchies. That's just sad.
This is the window I considered jumping out of when they said that.
So anywho, teaching is really enjoyable and highly amusing, expect pictures and more reports to come as I continue this grand adventure.
Look at those chairs! Things really ARE different in France! Those Frenchies...
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