Saturday, March 29, 2008

Our Last day in Madrid


After another long day, we were up and ready by 11 am to spend our last day in Madrid.
Despite our best efforts we weren't ready in time to head to the Mercado on Calle de Los Estudios with Hong and Kao (the other Americans).

We spent some time searching through the market, and I ended up purchasing two really cool prints of Madrid, one for me and the other for my mom from a nice Madridian man Antonio Rios Martin. I also found a really cheap but cute pair of earrings. From there, Angie let my awesome sense of direction give us a tour of Madrid.

Me and the artist of my print

I managed to take us pass the Plaza de la Villa (City Hall) with a hot Spanish statue right in front. Supposedly right here was the Ayuntamiento (town hall) where during elections we could find some protestors against everybody's favorite Spanish King, Juan Carlos the II.

Of course while walking past the Placa Real, we saw a Angel Human Statue in the process of her siesta (apparently even the supposedly non-moving statues take breaks)
After a brief photo shoot at the what I consider the coolest statue ever, Don Quixote with Sancho headed off to fight some windmills at the Plaza de Espana, the two of us headed over to the Cabines to see Madrid from the air.

We were delayed a bit by the sweet smell of Spanish tapas. We had a lovely lunch which included the waiter putting Angie's eye drops in for her.

After a 15 minute ride, where Angie and I attempted to strategically balance ourselves and our cameras, we landed in Casa de Campos an outdoor park.
If there is one thing the Spanish have mastered other than the siesta it would have to be the art of the park. This was seriously 50 acres of landscaping for the Spanish people to just enjoy.
Over the other side of the hill was an amusement park and swimming area. Once you reached the other side of the Cabines back towards the heart of Madrid, you were in the La Rosalida, where Angie and I decided that it would be a nice place to take a nap.

After about 30 mins of siesta time we went to the Templo de Debod, a supposed gift to the Spanish people form the Egyptian government for helping to build a dam that saved a bunch of historic structures. In reality I think the Spanish stole it during the Crusades but I guess to each their own.
Templo de Debod, stolen from Egypt. Picture stolen from cousin.
Luckily we once again made the acquaintance of Americans by ignorantly trying to get someone to take a picture of the two of us by handing a camera and saying "Por Favor", obviously Angie and I are fluent in Spanish.
por favor picture

Our new friend Ian was from Philly also and was actually fluent in Spanish. He took us to get falafel which of course turned into a whole ordeal bc of my vegetarian cousin. Not only did the guy originally try to give her a meat pita but then he just removed the meat and put veggies in it thinking that would be alright.

After a brief Turkish American war, we went back to the Plaza Real and hung out by the fountain until we could go back to Matias and pack.

While walking back to pack at Matias, there just happened to be a good old fashioned Spanish bidet, of course we had to use it.

Sadly, we had to take a 9 hour bus to Barcelona. During the bus, I wanted to vomit because of the gross smelling Spanish man who sat behind me. So let's just say I spent the 9 hours trying to breathe through my mouth....

Luckily we eventually arrived in Barcelona!