Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Official Update

Hello One and All to the Greatest Blog of All,

As I know it's been quite a while but.... I think I may officially be back, up and running with this whole blog posting thing... As is apparent several things have made blogging quite difficult for me in the past couple of months;

  1. a recurring and ever vigilant case of writer's block that hit me every time I even logged into my blog
  2. a lack of natural blogging resources, specifically wireless (or as we say here in paris wifi)
  3. and the greatest difficulty, a lack of genuine bona fide blogging time
So I thought it would be nice if I gave you a sort of review of where and what I've been visiting and doing over the past 4 months of the time I have been neglecting my blogging responsibilities.

Where in the World I have been*:
  1. Bruges, Belgium: Possibly one of the most beautiful places to visit as a beer lover (which I discovered I am when it comes to cherry flavoured beer) As you explore the city you feel as if you are transported centuries back to a time of knights and maidens. Lucky for me, I was traveling with Paul and we managed to make the most of all things Belgium; waffles, fries, chocolate and, of course, beer.
  2. Amsterdam, Netherlands: What was I to do, when I heard my semi-good friend Ben was coming to Europe and NOT making a stop in Paris... well meet him in Amsterdam, of course! Although I had already been to Amsterdam before and it was lovely, it was nice to visit it again with some dudes (Ben and Lee).
  3. Newquay, Cornwall, England: The land of Faeries and magic. Autumn and I visited the lovely English Countryside for 5 days of adventure and exploring. I was lucky enough to meet Jane, family of a friend, and we explored all that Cornwall has to offer; from biological sanctuaries to a duke's own personal island to hidden walks to ancient villages... Cornwall is truly one of the most magical places I have ever gone...
  4. Mimizan, France: Despite the appeal of France's most popular surfer village, I had an awful time here... mostly because of horrific work experience and a concussion... but the 2 days I spent on the beach almost made up for all the nasty French...
  5. Giverny, France: The French equivalent of Longwood Gardens, but infinitesimally more awesome. In Giverny, Monet built several grand gardens to "inspire" him as an artist... If you have ever seen any of Monet's artwork involving flowers (best known being the Waterlillies), just imagine the real version. Just walking through the gardens is like being in one of his pieces of art, absolutely incredible.
*Please note: By clicking on any of the hyperlinks you will be transported to an awesome photo album filled with pictures of these beautiful places, enjoy!

People who have visited:
  1. Paul Cross: My very nice English friend (he says he is, but I have a better accent them him) came for my birthday and to visit Bruges. He was soo awesome to get me a nice present too and bring all my parents' birthday presents to France for me, so he gets a nice BIG SHOUTOUT.
  2. Jon Little and Ellen Cusworth: These two are deserving of remaining a couple of this list as Ellen has described Jon as "her other half"... They have visited me several times and are the co-creators of the official title of my room, "Chessie", which is abbreviated from Chez Jessie. Like Paul, they also attended the 3 day celebration of my birth, and enjoyed in the merriment.
  3. The Edwards Twins: Two nice and identical boys from Maryland were kind enough to come and visit (along with bringing a huge suitcase of summer clothing), sadly they were taking all the pictures so I don't have any to post of them.
  4. Tiffy: How lucky am I that my best friend in the whole entire world came to visit me? Pretty damn lucky! She was here for 5 of the most fun days in Paris ever.... Even more awesome is the fact she was here for her birthday and with her very nice boyfriend Dan. We got to see fireworks at the Eiffel Tower and listen to Dan play music with some Frogs...
And that's all folks!

Hope you enjoyed the update of my life, be prepared to be bombarded with blogging updates within the next couple of days... so STAY TUNED!


Paul said...


First off, English Blood ranks higher than Phoney English Accents any day of the year. You can try being an Anglophile, I'm just a plain up Anglo.

Great Post, keep them coming.

P.S You couldn't imagine how hard it is to inconspicuously read your blog at work when your page is a big bright display of Pink.

JH said...

Seconded on the hard to read at work with pink background. Are you trying to get us in trouble?